Welcome to
Reliable Labor Services!
Reliable Labor Services has been offering farms and orchards throughout New England H-2A and H-2B services for over 25 years. We are located in Orwell, Vermont where our qualified and knowledgeable agents bring you top-notch service.

About Us
Reliable Labor Services has been a trusted provider of H-2A and H-2B services for over 25 years. Based in Orwell, Vermont, we have been serving farms and orchards throughout New England, offering top-notch solutions to meet their labor needs. Our qualified and knowledgeable agents are dedicated to delivering reliable workers and exceptional service to agricultural businesses.
Are you looking for hard working employees for your business? We are your Reliable H-2A and H-2B Agents based in the Green Mountains of Vermont. Our agency services over 100 clients each year throughout New England and beyond. SAVE on Lawyer Fees with our Agency Same Service, Same Outcome, Better Price
Our Services
Why Choose Us
Reliable Labor Services is offering non-agriculture businesses with H-2B services. This program allows workers to work at industries during their peak seasons. These positions can include construction, housekeeping, waiters/waitresses, landscaping, manufacturing and many other non-agricultural jobs. Our H-2B services also offer businesses in-country recruitment. This program allows us to recruit workers that are already in the country to your place of business. This is greatly beneficial to those who are concerned about being under the visa cap and the cost associated with the visa fees and international travel. In addition, we are also able to recruit workers out of country with our affiliated Jamaican Agencies.
Our Client's Feedback
My company has been using Bookend’s Associates for quite some time now, and I have to say, their services are top notch. Bookends' ladies have always gone above & beyond my expectations by providing the highest quality of service. I highly recommend them for your business needs.
Thank You
Wellwood Orchards has been using Book-Ends since 1992+-. They have always done a remarkable job for us. They are always there when we have questions. They work very well as a team. It takes a lot of the pressure off us as a company for them to do the hard work for us to get our Jamaicans.
Thank you all for your service.
I cannot say enough good things about Book-Ends. The staff is extremely courteous, responds promptly, usually within hours, to any email, and they know their stuff in an ever changing political and regulatory world. My story is: 3 years ago, my farm desperately needed additional qualified workers. I wanted the workers to be documented and so a journey through the labyrinth of paperwork, permits, deadlines, and involved agencies began. I rapidly realized that there was no way in heck I could do this by myself. Google searching showed a modest looking website called Book-Ends. I called and was delighted to find an incredible, capable, and knowledgeable office staff who successfully navigated the requirements to get an H2A worker who is more than I could ever have hoped for. Our farm required additional effort because we are not a traditional H2A industry. Book-ends kept the price down and worked with all stakeholders to explain how we were actually a good fit for H2A visas. Book-Ends was the gateway to my farm being more successful because we have a very fine workforce now and every year. I am confident that we will be able to renew the H2A visas because of Book-Ends. I give them my highest recommendations and sincerest thanks.
My experiences with the Book Ends ladies has ALL been excellent. They take care of all the details and solve any problems I may have while navigating the complex paperwork associated with H2-A workers. They are always friendly and understanding and always have patience. They return calls quickly and if they do not have answers, they will find them in a short while and get back to me. This year has been especially difficult, and Bookends' ladies have done a great job. In fact, when my worker was arriving on a Saturday and was delayed and missed connecting flights I reached out to Jenni and she spent most of that day helping get information for me. I really can't say enough good things about this agency and the experiences I have had with them.
We have been using Book-Ends to help us with the process of getting H2A workers for our orchard for over 20 years. In all that time I cannot think of anything negative to say about their staff. They are all so knowledgeable & courteous. The H2A program is difficult to navigate and involves extensive paperwork. We would not have been part of this program without the help we receive from Book-Ends.
"When I took over the task of orchestrating the paperwork for Jamaican apple pickers at the small orchard where I worked, I really had no clear idea how to go about it, and I had no one at my workplace to turn to for advice. Not only that, but I discovered that we were fast approaching a deadline in the process that I had not been told about. So when I first called Book-Ends, I was completely lost and in the dark. What I found was an office filled with reliable, experienced people who explained the process to me very clearly and who worked closely with me to get me through it. Since then, the team there has always been communicative and supportive. They have never made me feel like my questions were a burden or unreasonable. They are on top of the timeline, and they outline expectations and responsibilities for their clients very clearly. What is more, they don't lose site of the fact that the people they work with--both growers and H2A workers--are real people whose lives and needs are complicated. They bring a concerned and personal touch to the process. I can't speak highly enough about how they helped me and others. --Blake Harrison (formerly of Kent Ridge Orchard, Conwall, VT)
Send Us A Message
Have questions or concerns? Don’t hesitate to send us a message – we’re happy to assist.
Get In Touch
- DBA Book-Ends Associates 546 Main Street Orwell, VT 05760
- (802) 948-2788
- office@bookendsassociates.com